I know - that sounds like a weird title for a photograph of a couple of leaves. But it makes perfect sense to me. Every year, Debby and I plant a garden, and her favorite thing is peas. Because she likes them so much, I always plant an extra row to assure we have a good-sized crop.
After the planting this spring, things were clicking along quit well in the garden and the peas were coming up nicely. Then over the course of several days in June, I started to see quite a few baby bunnies hopping about. Actually, it was our dog Ollie that first spotted them, and it was a challenge keeping him and the bunnies separated.
We were so focused on the cute little baby bunnies, that I was not paying too much attention to the garden. That was a big mistake. Within the course of several days, the bunnies munched their way through most of our peas and beans. I really thought I had time to replant, but then things got a bit dry here in North Carolina, and the second crop just outright failed after the deer got into it.
So, when I did this photograph, it reminded me of bunny ears and how sometimes we all just have to surrender to the forces of nature. So there it is...Surrender to the Bunny Ears.