In 1937, the Nazi party held an art exhibit in Munich titled 'Degenerate Art'. The show represented some 300 artists who were deemed to have created works that were an "insult to German feeling", and pieces of art that were determined to be un-German, Free-Masonic, Jewish, or Communist in nature. What became labeled as degenerate art was totally at the discretion of leaders in the Nazi party.
Unfortunately, this was not the first time attempts were made to silence the art community because someone in power felt certain works of art would stimulate the viewers mind in ways that were non-consistent with party beliefs and doctrine. Portugal, in the 1500's had become essentially a theocracy with a reigning Catholic monarch, and works of art other than depictions of the Madonna and Child were prohibited for many years. Even as recently as this century, works of art that are claimed to challenge ruling body beliefs are impermissible in places like Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, and North Korea.
Here in the United States, back in the 1950's, works that were determined to suggest workers rights, collectives, unions, and the like were the subject of great criticism by allies of leaders such as Senator Joseph McCarthy because they were viewed as subliminal communist messages to the American population. Two places that I know of that hid such works from public instead of allowing the 'patriots of America' to destroy them were the Cincinnati Airport and the Marine Terminal of LaGuardia airport. I've examined all of these pieces in great detail and to say they were communist in nature is quite a stretch. The pieces in Cincinnati are especially beautiful tile mosaics of workers in various vocations meant to celebrate the work-ethics of those who lived in Cincinnati at the turn of the last century. But someone decided all this art celebrating the worker class was a thin veil to hide conveyances of communist messages. Consequently these works became demonized by many elected officials.
As I watch all of the craziness unfolding in America right now, I can't help but wonder how long it is going to be in the USA before artists are going to be scrutinized for the 'subversive' messages within their work? I was reading an article the other day, and the Republican 2025 document that outlines their plans for the future of America specifically targets the National Endowment for the Arts as being a government body that will cease to exist should the Republican party gain power this fall. There will be no more government funding of the arts so as to weed out 'un-American' art.
That would be a first step to curtailing the freedom of expression that many artists enjoy today. But Artists being Artists, I think many would continue to create work that would be less than acceptable by a Republican Government. Very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany , I don't see it as being that far-fetched for our leaders to start identifying and demonizing any work they consider to be not consistent with supporting patriotism in America. IN Joseph Gobbels terms: 'degenerate art'.
Should that happen, I really hope that my work makes the list of degenerate art to be suppressed. Many of you who have followed my work will recall that about last year this time, some local patriot was spreading the word that my work was conveying subliminal pornographic messages. As word of this started to take hold, interest in my work and sales went up quite a bit. The porn accusation really helped my work to become a known quantity locally.
So, I my way of thinking, if a Republican Government goes down the Nazi ideology road of governance (and most experts are pretty sure it will), with a little luck, I'll get on the degenerate artist list. Although it probably won't result in any monetary gains in my lifetime, it may turn into something of value for my grandchildren. That would be really satisfying.
Enough of that for now. I've got a body of artwork I need to figure out where to hide :)