I recently had an unsettling discussion with the owner of a gallery in which I show my work. Late one day last week, I got a call from her and she needed an outline for an article on artificial intelligence generated art. The reason for calling me, after over a year of representation in this gallery, was because I was only one of two AI artists that she knew. Wow!!!!!
That took me back a bit. However, I can see why someone might think that my work is AI generated. So to do a comparison, I went out to one of the popular AI generators and asked it to produce some ICM art for me. Below you can see what it came back with.
At this point, I am neither for or against AI generated art, and I think a lot of the algorithms are searching Bob Ross paintings. To me, that is what AI generated art feels like. If you want to have some fun, go to an AI site and ask it to paint you a picture of mountains, forests, and a stream, and you will see what I am talking about.
Based on my tests, it appears that AI can only make rudimentary representations of ICM. It lacks the nuance of a well-crafted ICM image. But the less informed ( AKA gallery owners) are likely not going to make the distinction and this may lead to downplaying appreciation for the human element in producing ICM art. Given the unusual nature of ICM images, I think the ICM community needs to be vigilant and vocal about their art form and how it is generation has absolutely nothing to do with AI.